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Rivada Networks Releases Full Text of Location-Based Services Patent

NEW YORK. - Monday, July 6th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rivada Networks has had another patent allowed for its industry-leading position-location technology.

Less than a year after the USPTO issued patent #8,787,944, Rivada’s original patent for enhanced Location-Based Services (eLBS), Rivada has received a notice of allowance for its eLBS algorithm, which uses Kalman filters to refine location estimates. A Kalman filter is an algorithm for sorting good data from bad, and is central to Rivada’s technique for deriving highly accurate location information from a series of less-accurate estimates from varied sources.

According to Rivada CTO Clint Smith, “The implementation of this idea was complex, but the goal was always to keep the data-filtration process as simple as possible.” Simplicity keeps down the processing power needed while a device is pinning down its position.

Rivada has now developed a full, working library function for eLBS on the Android™ operating system. In recent field tests, the software achieved position-location accuracy of well under one meter (39”), including on the Z-axis, even without a GPS fix. An iOS version is also under development and nearing completion.

Rivada Networks has achieved unprecedented location accuracy for smart phones by combining all the relevant data from a modern smart phone’s extensive suite of sensors, including the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and barometer if available. By synthesizing this data with that of nearby devices in an ad hoc “mesh” network, Rivada’s software achieves a level of precision that was previously impossible.

“Rivada’s eLBS technology has a wide range of exciting commercial applications,” says CEO Declan Ganley. These include “everything from better location data for ride-sharing services or driverless cars; situational advertising and enhanced situational awareness for first responders” and more, according to Ganley. For further information, or to discuss licensing and implementation opportunities, please refer to the contact information below.


Rivada Networks

Brian Carney

New York









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