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Main » 2015 » November » 8 » ESOA: New Study Finds Benefits of Transferring C-Band Spectrum From Satellite To Terrestrial Wireless Grossly Exaggerated
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ESOA: New Study Finds Benefits of Transferring C-Band Spectrum From Satellite To Terrestrial Wireless Grossly Exaggerated

Research Reveals Flawed Analysis misinforming world delegations at ITU World Radiocommunication Conference

GENEVA - Thursday, November 5th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- As national administrations from across the world prepare to make critical decisions this month regarding global communications spectrum allocations, a newly-released report shows that studies suggesting enormous benefits of satellite spectrum for terrestrial wireless contain major flaws in logic, calculation and methodology.

The findings of a study done by economic consultants VVA show that in highlighting the benefits of the so-called “C-band” for mobile terrestrial, cost-benefit studies done for the mobile terrestrial sector completely ignore major negative impacts on satellite communications’ user groups throughout the world. The findings come just before the question of the C-band will be considered during the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), being held in Geneva through November 2015.

Terrestrial mobile stakeholders commissioned studies from Frontier Economics and Plum to highlight the positive economic impact of the C-band for their sector. A closer look at their methodology by VVA shows that these studies ignore the cost of disruption or loss of services for sectors that rely on them today, noting that for some applications, mobile terrestrial cannot provide any replacement. Furthermore they use incomparable benchmarks; follow an incorrect approach to calculations; overlook alternative bands and technologies; rely on unproven technical concepts and use a multiplier effect of their errors in order to exaggerate the economic benefits.

Monica Pesce, Managing Director of VVA commented, “Any economic analysis must take full and proper consideration of the costs of and benefits for existing players and users and new players and users. The studies we have looked at are selective in their approach, drawing on the most favourable elements necessary to conclude a significant, positive economic benefit for the terrestrial mobile sector, even if in reality, they may be far lower when properly balanced against satellite user interests.”

In a joint statement, Aarti Holla and David Hartshorn, Secretary Generals of ESOA and GVF, non-profit associations representing the international satellite communications sector noted that “Millions of people throughout the world depend on satellite services delivered via the C-band, and it is imperative that the decisions to be made at WRC are based on the most accurate information currently available. The C-band is used to support a wide range of services, including emergency communications, peacekeeping, distance learning, live broadcasting, tele-medicine, e-government and other vital applications. Taking away and re-allocating the spectrum required to support those services based on inaccurate terrestrial wireless analyses would have a severe impact on consumers, enterprises and governments throughout the world.”

Background - Informing the Global Debate - VVA Study Findings

Research conducted by VVA, a Brussels-based consultancy, which discovered that claims made recently by Plum and Frontier Economics are based on key methodological flaws, including:

    The impact on existing C-band users and the stakeholders they serve is ignored;
    Economic benefits are overestimated by using auctions on 2.6 GHz - a band with different characteristics - as a benchmark for spectrum value rather 3.5 GHz auction values;
    Country specific factors, obtained by using an inaccurate calculation approach, further inflate spectrum value for many countries used as case studies. Wrong quantifications are then extrapolated for considered regions. These two errors generate a multiplier effect that leads to further overestimating calculated benefits;
    Efficiency gains deriving from the usage of alternative methods to provide capacity are expressed qualitatively but are not quantified. Alternative options to C-band for spectrum usage are ignored.

For more information about this issue

ESOA is a Brussels-based trade association whose membership brings together all European, Middle-East and African satellite operators and supporting members including service providers, manufacturers and launch service providers. Set up in 2002, the association’s mission is to provide a unified voice and a platform for collaboration for satellite operators to ensure the continued success of the sector and to broaden the opportunities for policymakers to leverage satellite services to fulfill their objectives. (

GVF is the non-profit association of the global satellite communications sector. Headquartered in London, and with 15 affiliate offices throughout the world, the organization includes the leading satellite communications system and service providers based worldwide. The organization works with public and private sector to heighten awareness of the commercial, technological and social advantages of satellite communications (

VVA Brussels is the European economic consultancy with an international team within VVA Group. VVA was founded in 1992 by two Professors from Bocconi University, which works across a variety of fields, from business consulting and market research to transfer pricing to economic and market studies on EU policy. (     

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EMEA Satellite Operators Association (ESOA)

Aarti Holla Maini

Tel: +32(2) 550 3575






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