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NEW YORK - Thursday, November 19th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Moody’s Corporation (NYSE:MCO) is pleased to announce that Dr. Richard Cantor, Chief Risk Officer of Moody’s Corporation and Chief Credit Officer for Moody’s Investors Service, has been named to the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Business Advisory Council. Dr. Cantor will be one of the three US business community members on the Council and will begin his term in 2016.

“I am honored to have been appointed to APEC’s Business Advisory Council, and I look forward to working alongside distinguished colleagues to help promote healthy and vibrant growth across the APEC economies,” said Dr. Cantor. “As a leading financial services company with a deep understanding of capital markets, Moody’s will engage through the Council on the wide spectrum of issues relevant to the further development of capital markets in the region.”

Dr. Cantor ... Read more »

Views: 211 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Thursday, November 19th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

Following Beirut, Doha, Manama, Paris, and Marrakesh the 2015 TAKREEM Award Ceremony was held in Dubai in the presence of HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al-Nahayan.

“I am pleased to greet, welcome and be with you in this celebration, the Arab excellence ceremony and celebrate the talented Arabs in all aspects of life ” said HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al-Nahyan

TAKREEM was founded to recognise and celebrate such Arab men and women who are each making history in their own way.

Have we not all dreamed of running our own company by the age of 29? Don’t you think that even with a disability, it is still possible to achieve your goals? Have you met women who suffer resistance, torture and persecution and still go out and campaign for human rights in their society? Can you put a name to great individuals who are revolutionizing the sciences and medical fields? “I stand ... Read more »

Views: 221 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015

40 Countries Sign Statement of Action against Online Child Sexual Exploitation

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Tuesday, November 17th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior was awarded a permanent seat on the #WePROTECT International Advisory Board (IAB), in recognition of its security and police work in the field of child protection. With this accolade, the UAE, represented by the Ministry of Interior, will have two seats on the Board; as chair of the Virtual Global taskforce (VGT) for the next three years and a permanent member of the #WePROTECT International Advisory Board (IAB), similar to the UK Home office. The announcement was made today, Tuesday, by Ernie Allen, chair of the #WePROTECT International Advisory Board (IAB) at the closing ceremony of the second Global Summit on Ending Online Child Sexual Exploitation, which was organized by the Ministry of Interior in the capital, Abu Dhabi.

The summit was highly acclaimed by p ... Read more »

Views: 247 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015

LONDON - Thursday, November 19th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- John Giusti, Chief Regulatory Officer, GSMA, reiterates the benefits of agreeing a co-primary allocation for mobile and broadcast in the sub-700MHz spectrum band at this month’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) in Geneva:

“The sub-700MHz UHF band (470-694MHz) could prove a critical tool for governments seeking to expand access to high quality, wide area coverage for mobile broadband services for their citizens, whether they live in dense urban areas or remote rural communities. Critically, as many governments seek to identify the band at WRC-15 for potential future use for mobile, it offers the opportunity for spectrum harmonisation, which would drive economies of scale and reduce the cost of devices for consumers around the world.

“Today, the UHF band is lightly used for terrestrial broadcasting in many countries. By implementing the latest technologies, these ... Read more »

Views: 274 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015

SEOUL, South Korea - Wednesday, November 18th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

    Participated 633 companies from 35 countries from around the world.
    Establishes itself as Asia’s largest game business mecca

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- “G-Star 2015 (Game Show and Trade All Round)” will be held at BEXCO in Busan for 4 days from November 12 (Thursday) to November 15 (Sunday). “G-Star 2015” is hosted by the Korean Internet Digital Entertainment Association (K-iDEA) and this year marks its 11th opening since its first debut back in 2005.

G-Star this year is participated by 2,626 booths by 633 companies from 35 countries around the world, which is expected to have fierce competition for promoting newly-released games in the worldwide game industry.

G-Star 2015 Public Area will have 26,000 square meters of display space with 118rotk 1,450 booths by a large scale participation by domestic and foreign game compani ... Read more »

Views: 264 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015 | Comments (0)

 As of November 13th, AIDS Healthcare Foundation is now providing lifesaving HIV/AIDS care and services, including antiretroviral treatment, to over half a million people in 36 countries around the globe.

LOS ANGELES - Wednesday, November 18th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

Dedicated network of AHF global partner organizations aid in rapid scale up of lifesaving treatment; AHF’s prior benchmark—250,000 people in care—was reached in November 2013, just two short years ago.

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- As the 27th observation of World AIDS Day approaches December 1st, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is honored to announce that a major milestone in AHF’s mission has been reached: As of November 13th, AHF is providing lifesaving HIV/AIDS medical care and services to 502,237 patients in 36 countries worldwide in the U.S., Europe, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean and Asia.

“Today, AHF celebrates a day we never knew would come: We are now reachin ... Read more »

Views: 262 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015

SHENZHEN, China - Wednesday, November 18th 2015 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The grand opening ceremony of China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) 2015 was held at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center at 10 a.m. Beijing time on November 16. Xu Qin, Mayor of Shenzhen and Director of the organizing committee of the CHTF, announced the opening of CHTF 2015. Afterwards, three Chinese government officials pressed a 3D printed “Rubik's cube” designed by a young maker to kick off the fair. With the theme of “innovative entrepreneurship, cross-border integration”, the ceremony attracted senior government officials, business leaders and professors, with elaborate formalities reduced to the minimum.

Being a part of CHTF and China's most influential platform in the economic and high-tech domains, China Hi-Tech Forum is reputed for its high-profile speakers, gathering foreign government officials, scientists, entrepreneurs and representatives of Multi ... Read more »

Views: 213 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 11.21.2015


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