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Main » 2016 » March » 7 » Emirates Animal Welfare Society Celebrates World Wildlife Day
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Emirates Animal Welfare Society Celebrates World Wildlife Day

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Wednesday, March 2nd 2016 [ME NewsWire]

Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Emirates Animal Welfare Society (EAW), reviewed the special preparations for the EAW’s participation in World Wildlife day during the society’s regular meeting. The event will take place tomorrow (Thursday), at the Emirates Park Zoo. This is one of the activities the EAW will be participating in this year, addressing the largest segment of the public and people who are interested in animal welfare issues.

Dr. Al Nuaimi stressed that World Wildlife Day is an opportunity to celebrate and promote the beautiful, multiple and diverse types of wild animals and plants. It is also the opportunity to highlight the great importance of protecting nature and increasing human awareness of this issue’s importance. Finally, it is the opportunity to end the abuse that some people carry out against these creatures, which negatively impacts the environment, economy and society.

Furthermore, he urged the public to treat animals in a humane and gentle way. He also encouraged them to join voluntary activities related to animal protection, and raise public awareness of society’s role in maintaining an ecological balance, which guarantees the continuity of life.

It’s noteworthy that the “Emirates Animal Welfare Society” is a voluntary association concerned with the consolidation of animal rights in the country. It defends, defines and raises awareness of the importance of animal welfare and promotes the preservation of environmental safety and animal wealth.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.



The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

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