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Arabia CSR Awards Clinic to be held in April in Dubai

Clinic will focus on key aspects of the prestigious awards

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Saturday, March 26th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

An event is being organized by the Arabia CSR Network for all interested organisations that would like to apply to this year’s Arabia CSR Awards. Known as the Awards Clinic, this annual event is invaluable for both registered applicants and potential applicants. It will lift the curtain on the awards’ key aspects, such as the methodology of applying to the award, how to answer the questions and fulfill the criteria, what kind of evidence should be provided, and so on. Addressing the gathering will be Arabia CSR Network President and CEO Habiba Al Marashi, accompanied by a member of the award jury. The audience will have the opportunity to direct their queries at the judge and benefit from the insights offered. This clinic will come at no cost to registered applicants as a value added.

The Arabia CSR Awards is renowned regionally as the leading benchmark in sustainability for all kinds of organisations engaged in CSR and sustainability. It is also known around the world for its rigorous methodology and international standard based criteria. It is the only award of its kind to be under the auspices of the League of Arab States for three consecutive years, with support from the United Nations Environment Programme for the same duration. It applies international frameworks and standards like the UN Global Compact ten Principles, the GRI and EFQM. The awards are open in nine categories; - Public Sector, Large business, Medium Business, Small Business, New Business, Energy, Financial Services, Social Enterprise and Partnerships and Collaborations. The deadline for submission of applications is the 30th of June. Jury evaluation will commence after that and a glittering awarding ceremony will be held on the 28th of October to reward the winners.

About Arabia CSR Network:

The Arabia CSR Network is a professional multi stakeholder organization established in the UAE in 2004. It is devoted to advancing the principles and practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Arab region. It facilitates networking, learning and sharing experiences and knowledge in matters of CSR. The Arabia CSR Network was the first GRI certified training partner for the Arabic speaking Middle East countries. The Arabia CSR Network promotes, encourages and recognizes responsible business practices through a bunch of services and offerings, including trainings, research and best practice, advisory services, third party assurance and a Pan-Arab acclaimed award initiative known as the Arabia CSR Awards. For more information, please visit .


Arabia CSR Network

Pegah Keshavarz, +97143448120  






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