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STAMFORD, Conn. - Wednesday, January 29th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The board of directors of ASG, a leading global specialty-packaging manufacturer, announced today the company has been reorganized to provide increased regional focus and responsiveness to its customers. Effective immediately, ASG will now operate as three affiliated business units: ASG Americas, ASG Europe, and ASG Asia. The new structure is consistent with the company’s continuing efforts to simplify process, tighten its lean business model, and increase focus on its customers’ needs.

With this change, the board has named Welson Zhou CEO of ASG Asia. Mark Caines and Tony Garnish will remain CEOs of ASG Americas and ASG Europe, respectively. The three business unit CEOs will report directly to ASG’s board of directors.

As a result, the board is eliminating the role of president and CEO. The board expressed confidence the new, lean structure and the ongoing execution of ASG’s investment ... Read more »
Views: 382 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 01.30.2014


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