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Main » 2013 » December » 22 » ZTE Welcomes Final Determination of U.S. ITC in InterDigital Case
10:55 AM
ZTE Welcomes Final Determination of U.S. ITC in InterDigital Case
ME Newswire / Business Wire

SHENZHEN, China - Friday, December 20th 2013

ZTE Corporation welcomes the final determination of the United States International Trade Commission ("ITC") rejecting the patent claims made by InterDigital Inc.

The ITC cleared ZTE of the infringement complaints by InterDigital on six patents, and ruled that another patent claimed by InterDigital was invalid. The final determination in the 337-TA-800 case upheld the ITC’s preliminary determination made on 28 June, 2013, and removes the basis for possible exclusion orders and cease and desist orders against ZTE products by the ITC.

"We are delighted about the ITC’s adjudication, as we are committed to offering high-quality products and services for our customers in the United States,” said Mr. Guo Xiaoming, Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of ZTE. "This decision is an important victory in ZTE’s efforts to combat patent mis-use by some protagonists for anti-competitive purposes.”

ZTE’s industry-leading pool of intellectual property assets, a product of vast investments in technology innovation, is a strong safeguard to help ZTE prevail in patent litigations internationally. ZTE ranked No. 1 globally in international patent applications in 2011 and 2012, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization. In 2013, U.S. courts have ruled in ZTE’s favor in patent litigations with InterDigital, TPL and Flashpoint.


ZTE Corporation

Margrete Ma, +86 755 26775207





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