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Main » 2019 » May » 17 » Understanding the Effects of Fasting to the Body can Help Motorists Manage their Driving Behavior Better during Ramadan
8:27 AM
Understanding the Effects of Fasting to the Body can Help Motorists Manage their Driving Behavior Better during Ramadan

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, -Thursday 16 May 2019 [ AETOS Wire ]

The second week of the Road Safety Awareness Campaign, carrying the hashtag #HappyNotHastyRamadan, focuses on making motorists aware and understand the effects of fasting to the body during Ramadan so that they can overcome the challenges of driving.

The Holy Month of Ramadan requires lifestyle changes due to adjustments in work, sleep, and eating habits.  Fasting can reach up to 14 hours without even so much as drinking.  So just imagine how it can affect the vital functions of the body not just physically but mentally.

The obvious results would be dehydration and low blood sugar that can lead to fatigue, exhaustion, distraction, inattentiveness, irritation, etc., thus making Ramadan the peak season for traffic accidents.  Knowing these effects can help motorists come up with precautionary measures to cushion the outcome and avoid getting into and causing an accident.

Getting enough rest and sleep coupled with eating nutritious food will help the body buffer the effects of fasting.  Whilst hydration is the key to keeping the body functioning well so keep it hydrated until the next fasting starts.

If motorists understand the cause of their mood swings and other psychological urges, they will most likely be more tolerant on the road and at the same time more accepting of their limitations.

The Road and Safety Awareness Campaign is an annual campaign that endeavors to educate road traffic participants on how to last in Ramadan without so much as a scratch and how to make a habit out of the tips and learnings about road safety. 

To share this cause or engage in this endeavor, you may follow the hashtag #HappyNotHastyRamadan on social media.

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