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Skybox Imaging Captures World’s First High-Resolution, HD Video of Earth from Space
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif - Friday, December 27th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE) Skybox Imaging (Skybox) announced today the release of the world’s first high-resolution, high-definition video of Earth taken by a commercial remote sensing satellite. These videos were taken by SkySat-1, the first of Skybox’s planned constellation of 24 satellites, and showcase high-resolution views of Tokyo, Bangkok, Baltimore, Las Vegas, and Aleppo, Syria. The video clips have not yet been calibrated or tuned.

SkySat-1 captures up to 90-second video clips at 30 frames per second. The resolution is high enough to view objects like shipping containers that impact the global economy while maintaining a level of clarity that does not determine human activity. To watch the video in 1080p HD resolution, please view on Skybox’s YouTube channel here.

SkySat-1 also captures some of the highest quality color imagery of any commercial satellite and is capable of sub-meter native color and near-infrared imagery.

"The most revolutionary fact is that SkySat-1 was built and launched for more than an order of magnitude less cost than traditional sub-meter imaging satellites,” said Tom Ingersoll, CEO of Skybox. "This extremely high performance satellite is made possible by proprietary technologies developed by Skybox, including the integrated satellite and imaging systems designs, which enable Skybox to launch a constellation of satellites that can provide imagery timeliness, quality and dependability that was never before possible.”

The business applications for satellite imagery and now, dynamic satellite video, are innumerable – ranging from supply chain monitoring to maritime awareness, industrial plant activity monitoring to environmental and humanitarian relief monitoring.

"This is an important inflection point for the remote sensing industry and for businesses of all sizes around the globe,” said Dan Berkenstock, co-founder and chief product officer of Skybox. "This milestone demonstrates that high-quality, high-resolution imagery can now be delivered in a timely, accessible and affordable way. By leveraging Silicon Valley web technologies, we’re pioneering a data platform that is leading a new generation of applications for the global markets of today and for new markets yet to be realized.”

Skybox has raised $91 million from Khosla Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Canaan Partners and Norwest Venture Partners.

SkySat-2, an identical version of SkySat-1, is scheduled to launch in early 2014. More unique capabilities based on Skybox’s proprietary technologies will be announced in the near future.

For the latest news, please visit Skybox’s blog. For a gallery of images and video taken from SkySat-1, please go here.

About Skybox Imaging

Skybox Imaging empowers global businesses to make better decisions with timely, high fidelity imagery and infinite analytics. By combining the power of web technologies and a constellation of high-resolution imaging satellites, Skybox is generating a unique data source describing daily global activity with timely, accessible, sub-meter color imagery and high definition video of the Earth. Founded in 2009, Skybox Imaging is backed by leading venture firms and comprised of Internet and aerospace professionals. For more information, visit


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Sara Blask, +1-415-345-4745



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