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Saif Bin Zayed: The Integration Doctrine Serves As a Bridge between the Past and the Future

In his address to World Government Summit

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Monday, February 8th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

• An Integration Doctrine was one of the key pillars of the founding fathers’ work
• Our leaders anticipate the future in an integrative approach between all sectors
• The UAE’s readiness and cohesion proves skeptics wrong
• Responding to crisis only when they occur means inevitable failure

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, emphasized that the ongoing national achievements made by the United Arab Emirates across the various sectors, personifies the Integration Doctrine embraced by late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, May God Rest his Soul, and his brethren, the founding fathers of the UAE, builders of the Union. This approach was upheld by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, who continues the march towards further prosperity and construction.

His Highness Sheikh Saif praised the diligent national efforts made by wise leader, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahya, President of the UAE, assisted by his brothers, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai; along with their brethren, their Highnesses Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates. He said: “The integrated efforts of our wise leaders, with the support of the various segments of society, serve as an impregnable wall and a well-established bridge that draws inspiration from the past’s traditions to strengthen the foundations of the present, and to support the glories of the future.”

His Highness Sheikh Saif expressed his confidence that the UAE’s wise leadership enjoys the ability to use the realities of the present to shape the future, by embracing an Integration Doctrine in all aspects of political, economic, social, and intellectual life. He also confirmed the leadership’s unrelenting endeavor to gain an Emirati foothold in tomorrow’s world, regardless of challenges. Adding further, His Highness Sheikh Saif said: “The word ‘surprise’ does not exist in the UAE’s dictionary, which relies on wisdom, planning, determination, initiative and readiness. This reflects our firm belief that responding to crisis only when they occur means inevitable failure.”

These remarks were made by His Highness Sheikh Saif at the World Government Summit that kicked off today (Monday). H.H Sheikh Saif began his speech by expressing his heartfelt appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai for his wise leadership and his innovative generosity that contributed to the inclusive development of the UAE. H.H Sheikh Saif noted the importance of this summit, which has expanded its role on the international level, to become a global event that benefits the world’s peoples and governments, thanks to the diligent efforts of the sponsors. H.H Sheikh Saif also added that the summit contributes to boosting the UAE’s prestigious position in international forums; enhancing its reputation on the Global Competitiveness Index; and further promoting its civilized images among developed countries of  the world.

H.H Sheikh Saif shed the light on the importance of “Shaping the Future” through a short video showcasing the fire outbreak in the Address Hotel in Dubai on New Year’s Eve. “The outcome of the incident is one of the aspects of shaping the future. This is what the UAE has worked towards achieving for years, to ensure full readiness and preparedness to handle such challenges and crisis,” he said. H.H Sheikh Saif referred to the directives issued by H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in 2003, in the wake of the Abu Dhabi Souq fire incident, which represents a major turning point in ensuring preparedness to similar incidents in an integrated manner. He noted: “Such an approach is based on the principle, which says that ‘responding to crisis only when they occur means inevitable failure’.”

Adding further, H.H Sheikh Saif said:  “An Integration Doctrine is key to shaping the future. The video footage, which shows the fire being brought under control, is testament to the integration efforts between the leadership, the government, community members from different backgrounds, and institutions (municipality, tourism, media, police, civil defense, etc.)” H.H Sheikh Saif indicated that this integration did not begin on December 31, 2015; it started back in 2003, with the successful design of the buildings and the area, coupled with good planning, readiness, and zero-hour proactive response.

H.H Sheikh Saif cited the example on how the Almighty God created our body parts that complement one another; all of which are fueled by the heart and follow the command of the brain, in an integrated accurate and innovative system.

H.H Sheikh Saif continued: “The UAE has given the world a live example of its approach based on integration. The Address hotel guests were contacted within 72 hours, and they expressed a 98% level of overall satisfaction with the quality response, caution and unique efficiency in dealing with the incident, while maintaining public safety.” H.H Sheikh Saif extended his heartfelt thanks to media outlets that covered the incident in complete transparency, and expressed his regret for media outlets that bet on the UAE’s failure to proceed with the New Year’s celebrations. He said: “Our ‘Integration Doctrine’ has proved them wrong. We draw lessons from other people’s experiences and from our own mistakes, in order to allow UAE citizens and residents to enjoy prosperity and stability.”

H.H Sheikh Saif seized the opportunity to congratulate the UAE. He said: “Allow me to congratulate the leadership, government and people of the UAE, and tell them that the UAE will remain the home to one of the most prestigious areas in the world, thanks to an exceptional leadership that embraces the Integration Doctrine. I would also like to seize this opportunity to greet our friends who called us and offered assistance during the incident, notably Mr. William Bratton, New York City Police Commissioner. This demonstrates the deep-rooted relations we enjoy with the rest of the world, and proves that Mr. Bratton is a keen supporter of Integration.”

Integration and Construction

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior said, “Governments and states forge their own doctrines and chose whatever suits them. There are positive doctrines and negative doctrines, such as the individual doctrine and the dominating doctrine. However, the UAE President has chosen a doctrine that unites rather than divides; a doctrine that seeks to build rather than destroy. This is the Emirati Integration Doctrine, which was built on exceptional leadership, progressive patriotism and investing in human resources. As a result of this Integration Doctrine, the UAE has made big achievements on par with other world countries on the Competitiveness Indices in the political, social, economic, security, and tourism areas, among others.”

H.H Sheikh Saif discussed the Integration Doctrine in politics. He said, “Based on the Integration Doctrine adopted by the founding forefathers, the union grew to become the strong entity it is today. Our country has become the first country in terms of giving and generosity compared to its national income size. With your faith and the Integrated Doctrine of our brothers, the Gulf Cooperation Council was established to answer the call that emanated from Abu Dhabi. With the Integration Doctrine, the United Arab Emirates continues its support for the legitimate government in Yemen. We are proud of our leadership who made the decision, our brave armed forces who executed it, and our heroes, members of the armed forces who manifested this doctrine; even the retirees who never hesitate to answer the call of duty.”

H.H Sheikh Saif also stressed that the UAE’s participation in the Yemen war was not for the sake of waging wars or causing destruction, but as a response to the call of duty, in order to restore hope and rebuild the brotherly and neighboring country of Yemen. Additionally, H.H Sheikh Saif reviewed the milestones realized in Yemen and the infrastructure rebuilding achievements within the education, health, security, police, and civil defense sectors, among others.

“Despite the tough decisions taken recently by the UAE and the rest of the world, local achievements have not ceased, as we continue to foster ties with citizens of brotherly and friendly countries around the world,” H.H Sheikh Saif added. “Emirati people can now enter over 100 countries without a visa or by obtaining a visa upon arrival.” H.H Sheikh Saif extended his gratitude to H.H Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, for his efforts, and to the people of the UAE for their positive behavior abroad, which promotes their reputation and level of civilized manners, both domestically and internationally.

Furthermore, H.H Sheikh Saif addressed the Integration Doctrine in society. He said, “Some countries fear or hesitate to invest heavily in human capital; this is an attitude we refuse in our Integration Doctrine. The doctrine highlights the need to develop human capabilities to their highest capacities by educating and employing them, and instilling values of national loyalty and belonging.” H.H Sheikh Saif also pointed out the importance of the noble initiative of selecting young male and female ministers from the UAE’s universities to take part in and join the cabinet. He explained that once the national service law was approved, the UAE’s sons and daughters volunteered, driven by sincere feelings of love, to answer the call of duty; vowing to protect their country and proudly answer the leadership’s call.

H.H Sheikh Saif also talked about the families of martyrs, especially their mothers, who displayed unique feelings of nationalism and sacrifice as some of them asked to send their other children to join the fight. The wounded soldiers also showed similar feelings by imploring their leaders to allow them to return to the battlefield.  H.H Sheikh Saif said, “The Integration Doctrine could be clearly seen when individuals and society as a whole rose to support the leadership’s decisions, sacrificing everything, most notably their lives, to prove this.” Praying to God Almighty to grant the martyrs eternal peace in heaven, H.H Sheikh Saif thanked individuals and entities of private and public sectors for their contributions in this regard.

After that, H.H Sheikh Saif addressed the Integration Doctrine in economy. He invited the audience to watch a video of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in 2008, where he expresses his deep faith in Dubai’s ability to overcome the international financial crisis with his belief in the dedication and will of the Emirati people. H.H Sheikh Saif commented, “Indeed Your Highness, we are strong, dedicated, and confident; we managed to turn the international financial crisis into a bright success story.” H.H Sheikh Saif also noted that the Integration Doctrine, “Shaping the future” and the hard work needed towards realizing a better future for the next generations, encouraged the UAE to invest in alternative energy, sustainability projects, and economic diversification amongst other projects, in spite of the UAE’s oil reserves.

His Highness Sheikh Saif cited the Masdar's Renewable Energy Seawater Desalination Program, as a living example of sustainability programs executed by the UAE. He noted: “Every produced gallon costs AED 3.3, according to the program, which is less than the cost price of traditional energy. The program produces approximately 1,500,000 liters per day.

His Highness Sheik Saif also highlighted a number of international indicators, which demonstrate the prestigious position of the UAE, which has been ranked ahead of leading countries around the world. He said: “The UAE has ranked first in the world in public trust in government; it has ranked second globally in ‘Quality of Government Decisions’, for its ‘Public Trust in Politicians’ and ‘Global Reputation’. It has also ranked fifth globally in Economic Diversification; and seventh globally in the ‘Entrepreneurship Index’.” H.H Sheikh Saif pointed out that the Emirati Integration Doctrine will continue to build a better future for the UAE; regardless of challenges, because we have a united country, a vision that is years ahead of its time; and sufficient will to achieve it.

In conclusion, His Highness Sheikh Saif said: “With the grace of Allah the Almighty, and under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin ZayedAl Nahyan, President of the UAE, just like we extinguished the Address Hotel fire  and prevented the flames from spreading, to maintain the reputation of Burj Khalifa area as the world’s  most prestigious area, we will manage to end the war in Yemen and preserve our dream to see the Gulf area remain a safe, prosperous and unified region, free from any harmful interference. Thanks to wisdom of the political leadership of the UAE, and the determination of our men and fellow brothers in the Arab Coalition Forces led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen will soon become safe and happy”.


Boxed Text 1

Integration Proposals

His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan proposed three topics that are related to today’s topic, i.e., the Integration Doctrine, notably, Investment in Human Resources” that was tackled in the 2013 summit, as the major pillar of the institutional system, and the core essence of development. The second topic was “Exceptional Leadership”, which was tackled by the 2014 summit, as the UAE was blessed with exceptional leaders throughout its history. The third topic was “Progressive Patriotism”, which was addressed in the 2015 summit, as an expression of loyalty and dedication for the country and its interests. Those integrated proposals, as envisioned by His Highness, constitute a single system, by which several achievements can be made by nations that anticipate the future and prepare for it. “The principle of integration embraced by the UAE as a doctrine to govern the mechanism of work at the level of management, practice, planning and others, is becoming a widespread approach for the different areas of public activity within the country and the community.

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Saif bin Zayed meets Jordan and Turkmenistan Interior Ministers

Lieutenant General His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, met separately with his Excellency Salamah Hammad, Jordanian Minister of Interior, and his Excellency Mr. Iskander Mulikov, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Turkmenistan.

The meetings took place on the sidelines of the World Government Summit, which commenced this morning in Dubai, with participation of 3,000 participants from more than 125 countries. The summit will continue for 3 days, under the slogan “Shaping Future Governments”.

During the meetings, several topics related to the World Government Summit were discussed, in addition to ways to  enhance bilateral relations in fields of mutual interest between the UAE, and both Jordan and Turkmenistan.

… And Met with a French Official and members from the Spanish Senate

Lieutenant General His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, also met with Emile Perez, Director Inspector General of the International Cooperation Department, and Maria Angeles Muñoz and Velsa Lerando, members of the Spanish Senate, on the sidelines of the World Government Summit, which commenced this morning in Dubai, under the slogan “Shaping Future Governments”.

During the meeting, a number of topics related to the World Government Summit were discussed.


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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-666-4891







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