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Main » 2016 » February » 9 » Saif bin Zayed Attends the Final Rehearsal of the Police College Graduation Ceremony
9:57 AM
Saif bin Zayed Attends the Final Rehearsal of the Police College Graduation Ceremony

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Sunday, February 7th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, attended the final rehearsal of the graduation ceremony for the 26th batch of police cadets and university degree holders, and the 10th batch of female university degrees holders, which was held this morning at the training field of the Police College in Abu Dhabi.​

His Highness Sheikh Saif closely reviewed the final preparations and arrangements of the graduation ceremony. He reviewed the graduates queue, encouraging the cadets to exert more effort and concentration to reach the best level for the graduation ceremony, and wished them good luck and success.

In a gentle fatherly gesture, His Highness Sheikh Saif sat with a group of school students from Al Nahda National School, Darwish bin Karam School, and Al Suqoor School, and exchanged spontaneous and caring conversations with them. His Highness Sheikh Saif listened to their thoughts, as they are the future generation, and emphasized that learning opportunities are there for them in line with the UAE’s ambitions in education, and that they have several fields of work at the various state institutions.

When the students were competing to take photos with him, His Highness Sheikh Saif expressed his great pride in the school students, and that he is counting on them to serve the community.

The rehearsal was attended by Lt. General Saif Abdullah Al Sha’far, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Interior; Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Chairman of the Police College; Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Assistant Undersecretary of Resources and Support Services; Major General Omair Muhammad Al Muhairi, Director General of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police; and a number of director generals and high-ranking officers from the Ministry of Interior and the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.

The rehearsal was attended by Colonel Waleed Salem Al Shamesi, Director General of the Police College, and directors of departments and chiefs of sections in the college.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.                                              


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-666-4891







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