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MoI Launches Seven New E-Services including Four Civil Defense Informatics Services

Al Raisi: Issuing short-term visas, renewing citizens’ passports, and issuing Criminal Status Certificates available via smart phones

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Monday, October 13th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has launched three new procedural services via smart phones, which include issuance of short-term visit visas (for 30 days), renewal of citizens’ passports, and issuance of Certificates of Good Conduct (Criminal Status Certificates). Additionally, it has launched four informatics services for the civil defense sector.  The new services are launched under the slogan “One Application… Multiple Services” and embody the UAE Smart Government initiative with constant follow-up by the police leadership.

Major General Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Head of the E-Services and Smart Applications Team at the MoI, explained that the new short-term visa issuance service saves time for citizens and residents alike, and enables individuals to apply for a 30 days visa through their smart phones, without the hassle of visiting the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs at the Naturalization Residency and Port Sector. Once the visa is issued, it will be delivered to the applicants via accredited entities designated by the MoI. He also noted that the Civil Defense informatics services provide individuals and institutions with the necessary information about compliance certificates, as well as executive approvals for architectural, gas, and decoration plans.

Major General Dr. Al Raisi also announced that the MoI is planning to launch a new bundle of services for the Traffic, Naturalization, Residency, and Civil Defense sectors; as well as other police-related services in the upcoming period via the UAE – MoI smart phones apps. “The MoI has already initiated the necessary executive procedures to expand these services and make them accessible to all citizens and residents,” he said.

Major General Dr. Al Raisi reiterated the MoI’s commitment to keep pace with the latest developments in the world of information technology and smart applications in a bid to make its services accessible to everyone. He continued, “A Smart Application Center was established at the Ministry of Interior. It is operated by a highly qualified team of Emirati citizens, to handle all electronic procedures pertaining to these services, and respond to customers’ inquiries via the call center on 8005000.” Major General Dr. Al Raisi also noted that the number of individuals already using  the applications that the MoI has launched early this year amount to 205,000 users to date, with an average of 54,000 uses per day of the applications; while the number of the subscribers via the Emirates ID card amounts to 62,000 users.

It is worth mentioning that the MoI platform support Apple, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone compatible smart phones. It provides an electronic link with a number of partners in the UAE, car inspection and insurance companies; as well as an integrated comprehensive link to the ministry’s website, through the unified login mechanism (username and password) to obtain services from any channel of electronic communication. Users can register once using the single sign-in feature on the website or through smart phones, and gain access to all of the Ministry of Interior’s services.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.

The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department
Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media
Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317






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