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Landmark Celebrates 25 Years of Transformational Programs and Breakthrough Results

SAN FRANCISCO - Wednesday, February 17th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Landmark Worldwide (, a global personal and professional growth, training, and development company that delivers programs and courses that empower and develop people to fulfill on what’s really important to them, celebrates its 25th anniversary this month. Known for their leading-edge material and methodology, Landmark’s programs equip people to produce breakthrough results in areas such as career, relationships, productivity, and overall quality of life.

To date, more than 2.4 million people have participated in Landmark programs. Designed for already-effective individuals, The Landmark Forum is the company’s flagship program and runs three days and an evening. Rather than delivering the typical presentation of information and strategies, Landmark’s programs employ a unique, proven, transformational methodology.

“People participate in The Landmark Forum to cause breakthroughs in the areas of their lives that are most important to them,” says CEO Harry Rosenberg. “Our courses are customized to allow individuals to focus on what they really care about. Landmark’s program material and methodology leave people with new ways of seeing themselves, their relationships, and the world around them—people are left with a dramatic elevation in their effectiveness in life, as well as enjoying an extremely high quality of life.”

Of those Landmark Forum participants independently surveyed by IMC Inc., an independent marketing consulting firm, 94 percent agreed that The Landmark Forum made a “profound, lasting difference in the way they live their lives.”

Dr. Joe DiMaggio, Director of Landmark’s Research, Design and Development Division, explains how this is possible: “What makes our methodology and programs unique is that they’re grounded in an ontological and phenomenological model—not in an academic context but from an ‘on-the-court’ applicable perspective. Ontology, in the way we’re using the term, is the study and examination of the nature of what it is to be a human being. By phenomenological we don’t mean something theoretical or conceptual, but rather people examining their lives from how their lives are actually lived. This educational paradigm is distinct from the traditional education that most of us are familiar with, in that its aim is not the delivery of new information that needs to be remembered or applied, but instead to make available unprecedented and lasting breakthroughs in people’s lives that become part of their natural self-expression.”

Landmark’s programs are based on material and methodology created and developed by Werner Erhard ( Mr. Erhard currently works in academia, writing and lecturing at top universities around the world, most recently on the topics of leadership, integrity, and performance. Renowned Harvard economist Michael C. Jensen, who has collaborated with Erhard on academic articles, papers, and curricula, was recently quoted in The New York Times as stating that Mr. Erhard is “one of the great intellectuals of the century.”

Landmark was formed in 1991 and now offers what many consider to be state-of-the-art programs for impacting people’s performance, effectiveness, and peace of mind. Neuroscience expert Dr. Ken Marton notes that “Landmark’s programs are consistent with the most current neuroscientific studies of human perception and behavior and are truly cutting edge. Their programs for the general public provide a direct access to leadership, individual performance, and enhanced quality of life.”

In addition to using Landmark’s programs to cause breakthroughs on a personal level, many people use them to develop themselves as leaders or to dramatically elevate their effectiveness in providing leadership. For example, more than 100,000 projects have been created out of just one of Landmark's courses, The Self-Expression and Leadership Program. These pro-bono and community projects are designed by participants to make a difference to individuals, communities, and institutions around the world.

Landmark also offers a full range of corporate consulting services internationally through Vanto Group, a wholly owned subsidiary. Clients have ranged from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies and include Apple Inc., Banco do Brasil, BHP Billiton, GlaxoSmithKline (Europe), Guidant Corporation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Lockheed Martin, Mercedes-Benz USA, NASA, New Zealand Steel, Polus Group (Japan), Reebok International Ltd., Standard Chartered, Tata Group (India), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, VisaNet, and Walgreens. Landmark senior program leader and Vanto Group CEO Steve Zaffron co-authored “The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life” (, which made numerous best-selling lists (including those of Business Week,The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today) and is now available in 16 languages. Recognized as one of the top leadership and development providers in the world by McNeil, Landmark offers programs that are innovative, effective, and immediately relevant.

Since its founding on February 1, 1991, Landmark has grown to include more than 500 employees and more than 750 extensively trained leaders worldwide. The company is 100 percent owned by its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and similar international plans.

Landmark has been featured extensively in the press in such media outlets as The New York Times, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, Fortune, Fast Company, The Sunday Times (London), The Observer (London), The Sydney Tribune, Bloomberg Businessweek, Investor’s Business Daily, The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, ABC Nightline, Irish Mail on Sunday, and many more.

For more information, visit Landmark's website (     

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Landmark Worldwide

Michelle Tennant, 1-828-749-3200






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