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Khalifa Student Empowerment Program Discusses Ways to Strengthen Cooperation with the Marriage Fund

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Thursday, February 4th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

The Khalifa Student Empowerment Program “Aqdar”‎ discussed ways to enhance cooperation and support the partnership with the Marriage Fund to achieve its objectives of promoting institutional integration. This cooperation aims to consolidate efforts targeting students at all schools nationwide, and serves as a major gateway through which all the programs and activities organized by the various ministries and entities can reach schools and students.

These comments were made during the meeting held between Her Excellency Dr. Maitha Salem Al Shamsi, Minister of State and Chairwoman of the Marriage Fund and Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Khalifa Student Empowerment Program “Aqdar”.

Her Excellency Dr. Al Shamsi reviewed a presentation highlighting the objectives and activities of the Khalifa Student Empowerment Program “Aqdar,” and stressed the keenness of the Marriage Fund to support its efforts in serving the community. She presented to the program the first and second parts of her book, entitled I Love My Country, which will be released at the next session of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. Major General Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi instructed for copies of the book to be printed in order to distribute them to schools and universities as part of the ‘Aqdar’ reading initiative, which aims to issue 50 books for students and teachers.

Major General Dr. Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi underlined the ministry’s eagerness to implement the visions of Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, by developing programs to meet the various needs and to keep up with developments and changes in a creative and innovative way. This includes working with the concerned institutionsto enable them to deal with surrounding challenges and risks.

Major General Dr. Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi pointed out that the general mission of the Khalifa Student Empowerment Program “Aqdar” is to create an institutional partnership between the various entities that raise awareness and provide prevention services to students. The partnership’s clear vision turns the United Arab Emirates’ vision into reality. “This would contribute to the consolidation of national awareness-raising and preventive efforts targeting youth, to build conscious student generations who are able to meet present and future challenges,” he noted.

The meeting was attended by Lt. Colonel Dr. Abdulrahman Sharaf, Assistant General Coordinator of Khalifa Student Empowerment Program; Major Saqr Al Ahbabi and Mohammed Al Kaabi, members of the program.

It is worth mentioning that 50 federal and local authorities participated in developing the Khalifa Student Empowerment Program “Aqdar,” particularly the Ministry of Education and other educational institutions in the country. Theseprograms aim to harmonize and consolidate national effortsto build generations of students who enjoy comprehensive consciousness and self-esteem.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


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