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Main » 2016 » February » 23 » ImmerVision’s 360° Imaging Technology Pushes VR Content Creation to New Global Tipping Point
3:53 PM
ImmerVision’s 360° Imaging Technology Pushes VR Content Creation to New Global Tipping Point

BARCELONA, Spain - Monday, February 22nd 2016 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Just this fall, audiences at the trend-setting Sundance film festival were handed 20,000 Google Cardboards, while 1.3 million units were mailed to New York Times subscribers to accompany the media giant’s innovative 3D film, The Displaced, on refugee children.

There is no doubt that the mind-blowing Virtual Reality media age has arrived and it seems seductively accessible.

Except that it isn’t.

The need for sophisticated equipment and expensive production teams currently puts the creation of 360° content far beyond the reach of everyday consumers, nearly 3 billion of whom have smart phones. In fact, the development of virtual reality content could stagnate as a result because of the lack real consumer lifestyle friendly solutions much like 3D TV.

Convinced that the future for VR depends on accessibility, ImmerVision is working to equip everyday devices such as smart phones, sport cams, video conferencing units, and wearable’s, with miniaturized high-resolution 360° lenses. In a smartphone, a miniature 360° lens is integrated in the front facing camera letting consumers easily create personal and compelling immersive VR content with a single click.

ImmerVision’s collaboration with leading technology companies such as Sony, Omnivision, Intel, Hisilicon, Qualcomm, Marvell and others will also ensure their powerful imaging and streaming technology is integrated into game-changing technologies for smartphones, tablets, Internet of Things (IoT), drones, automobiles and other connected devices.

It’s a simple end-to-end solution that lets consumers create and share immersive content in just one click; mobile users will be able to just start shooting and live viewing their environments to any audience, at any time, letting viewers get up close and personal—in real time and in VR.

In the short term, the increase of 360° devices available to consumers ensure’s wide use of Virtual Reality and development of applications. ImmerVision’s vision is to push the boundaries of VR, aiming towards 3D VR created with two 360° lenses. To achieve this lofty goal - panomorph lens technology is ideal given its high levels of resolution on the periphery compared to other wide angle or fish eye lenses.

ImmerVision is driving a new global tipping point in innovative 360° content creation by making VR truly accessible to billions of consumers around the world.



Louis Brun, +1 514-985-4007 ext. 3025






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