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Gemalto Full Year 2017 Results

AMSTERDAM -Friday, March 2nd 2018 [ AETOS Wire ]

  • 2017 full year In line with Company expectations:
    • Revenue at €3 billion with Platforms & Services at €1 billion
    • Second semester revenue up +1% year-on-year at constant exchange rates
    • Profit From Operations (PFO) at €310 million
    • Transition plan savings of €15 million
  • 2018 outlook: expected double digit revenue growth in the Identity, IoT & Cybersecurity segment and stable PFO margin for the Smartcards & Issuance segment1 leading to mid to high single digit growth in profit from operations at Gemalto level
  • On December 17th, Gemalto and Thales announced their intention to combine their operations: the combination process is on track

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulatory News:

Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 - GTO), the world leader in digital security today announces its results for the full year 2017.


Key figures of the adjusted income statement


Year-on-year variations



(€ in millions)


Full year 2017


Full year 2016


at historical

exchange rates


at constant

exchange rates












Gross profit








Operating expenses








Profit from operations








Profit margin








Philippe VallĂ©e, Chief Executive Officer, commented: “Gemalto’s second semester finished on a stronger note with solid contributions from Enterprise, Machine-to-Machine and Government Programs after a first semester impacted by very adverse conditions on our two historical markets.

Moving forward, the strong demand in the Enterprise, Government and IoT markets is expected to continue, driven by the rising level of cyber incidents and data breaches, the need for increased security at country borders and the growing benefits of connected devices expanding across industries. The US EMV payment market normalization should come to an end in 2018 and the removable SIM market is expected to keep declining while next generation connectivity usage grows slowly.

In this context, Gemalto’s strategy is built on two pillars. The first one aims at strengthening our leadership in biometrics, civil identity and data protection. The second pillar builds on our leadership in digitalization while rightsizing our operations in the more mature businesses.

Gemalto and Thales announced their intention to combine their operations, bringing together Gemalto with Thales digital assets as a new Thales Global Business Unit. This combination will accelerate the implementation of Gemalto’s strategy”.


1 From 2018 onwards Gemalto will be reporting its financial results in two main segments: Identity, IoT & Cybersecurity segment and Smartcards & Issuance segment. 2017 Revenue, Gross Profit, PFO and Year-on-Year Revenue variation at constant exchange rates based on the new reporting are laid out in Appendix 5.

Basis of preparation of financial information

Segment information

The Mobile segment reports on businesses associated with mobile cellular technologies including Machine-to-Machine, mobile secure elements (SIM, embedded secure element) and mobile Platforms & Services. The Payment & Identity segment reports on businesses associated with secure personal interactions including Payment, Government Programs and Enterprise. The acquisition of 3M’s Identity Management business in May 2017 is part of the Government Programs business.

In addition to this segment information the Company also reports revenues of Mobile and Payment & Identity by type of activity: Embedded software & Products (E&P) and Platforms & Services (P&S).

Historical exchange rates and constant currency figures

The Company sells its products and services in a very large number of countries and is commonly remunerated in other currencies than the Euro. Fluctuations in these other currencies exchange rates against the Euro have in particular a translation impact on the reported Euro value of the Company revenues. Comparisons at constant exchange rates aim at eliminating the effect of currencies translation movements on the analysis of the Group revenue by translating prior-year revenues at the same average exchange rate as applied in the current year. Revenue variations are at constant exchange rates and include the impact of currencies variation hedging program, except where otherwise noted. All other figures in this press release are at historical exchange rates, except where otherwise noted.

Adjusted income statement and profit from operations (PFO) non-GAAP measure

The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and with section 2:362(9) of the Netherlands Civil Code.

To better assess its past and future performance, the Company also prepares an adjusted income statement where the key metric used to evaluate the business and make operating decisions over the period 2010 to 2017 is the profit from operations (PFO).

PFO is a non-GAAP measure defined as IFRS operating profit adjusted for (i) the amortization and impairment of intangibles resulting from acquisitions, (ii) restructuring and acquisition-related expenses, (iii) all equity-based compensation charges and associated costs; and (iv) fair value adjustments upon business acquisitions. These items are further explained as follows:

  • Amortization, and impairment of intangibles resulting from acquisitions are defined as the amortization, and impairment expenses related to intangibles assets and goodwill recognized as part of the allocation of the excess purchase consideration over the share of net assets acquired.
  • Restructuring and acquisitions-related expenses are defined as (i) restructuring expenses which are the costs incurred in connection with a restructuring as defined in accordance with the provisions of IAS 37 (e.g. sale or termination of a business, closure of a plant,…), and consequent costs; (ii) reorganization expenses defined as the costs incurred in connection with headcount reductions, consolidation of manufacturing and offices sites, as well as the rationalization and harmonization of the product and service portfolio and the integration of IT systems, consequent to a business combination; and (iii) transaction costs (such as fees paid as part of an acquisition process).
  • Equity-based compensation charges are defined as (i) the discount granted to employees acquiring Gemalto shares under Gemalto Employee Stock Purchase plans; (ii) the amortization of the fair value of stock options and restricted share units granted by the Board of Directors to employees; and the related costs.
  • Fair value adjustments over net assets acquired are defined as the reversal, in the income statement, of the fair value adjustments recognized as a result of a business combination, as prescribed by IFRS3R. Those adjustments are mainly associated with (i) the amortization expense related to the step-up of the acquired work-in-progress and finished goods assumed at their realizable value and (ii) the amortization of the cancelled commercial margin related to deferred revenue balance acquired.

These non-GAAP financial measures are not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for comparable IFRS measures and should be read only in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.

In the adjusted income statement, Operating Expenses are defined as the sum of Research and Engineering expenses, Sales and Marketing expenses, General and Administrative expenses, Other income and Other expenses.

EBITDA is defined as PFO plus depreciation and amortization expenses, excluding the above amortization and impairment of intangibles resulting from acquisitions.

Net debt and net cash

Net debt is a non IFRS measure defined as total borrowings net of cash and cash equivalents. Net cash is a non IFRS measure defined as cash and cash equivalents net of total borrowings.




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