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5:20 PM
EVault Joins OpenStack Community
Cloud-Connected Backup and Recovery Leader to Collaborate in the Development of Open Source Standards-Based Cloud Solutions

ME Newswire / Business Wire

SAN FRANCISCO - Wednesday, March 6th 2013

EVault, Inc., a Seagate Company (NASDAQ:STX), today announced it is joining the OpenStack community, a global community of technologists, developers, researchers, corporations and cloud computing experts delivering a massively scalable cloud operating system. EVault will be both contributing to ongoing OpenStack development, and working to add OpenStack support to its cloud storage services.

EVault provides onsite, cloud and cloud-connected data protection solutions to help organizations protect distributed environments, supported by a secure, reliable cloud storage infrastructure and backed by the highest quality customer service. EVault has been a leader in the industry’s move to hybrid storage models, with a uniquely integrated ecosystem of EVault storage software, SaaS, managed services and appliances that help ensure customers maintain business continuity.

"EVault is proud to have been a key contributor to cloud business adoption, having first introduced cloud backup solutions 15 years ago. EVault is joining the OpenStack community of software developers collaborating on this scalable open source cloud management platform,” said George Hoenig, vice president, Open Storage, EVault. "EVault’s parent company, Seagate, announced its commitment to working with the Open Source community on cloud-optimized hardware and software systems. EVault plans to build upon OpenStack, and to work closely with Seagate to design and deliver reliable, cost-effective, and simple to use cloud storage services.”

EVault intends to focus its contributions around OpenStack Swift. Swift is a highly available, distributed object store that organizations can use to store large amounts of data efficiently, safely, and inexpensively. "Swift's fully distributed architecture allows for extreme scalability. Its redundant and self-healing properties provide for enterprise class durability while simultaneously keeping storage management costs to a minimum,” Hoenig added.

About EVault

More than 38,000 companies rely on EVault cloud-connected backup and recovery services. Delivered by a team of data recovery experts and using the very best cloud-connected technology, EVault backup solutions seamlessly integrate on-premises and online backup data protection for fast, local data access and ensured cloud disaster recovery. Optimized for distributed environments and backed by an ironclad cloud, EVault technology also powers the offerings of cloud services providers, data centers, telcos, ISVs, and many others. EVault is a Seagate Company.

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EVault, Inc.

Darren Weiss, 1-415-625-8555
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