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Diverse Activities during GCC Inmates Week in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Tuesday, December 22nd 2015 [ME NewsWire]

Abu Dhabi Police assured that the GCC Inmates Week enhances the attention dedicated to inmates and their families within the framework of solidarity and social cohesion. It also aims at spreading the culture of post-release care and the need to integrate former inmates into society.

Abu Dhabi Police showcased its efforts in support of inmates as a part of the different events organized at key shopping malls in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. The events included exhibitions and different cultural competitions, as well as the distribution of booklets and brochures to the public. A documentary film under the slogan of “GCC Inmates Week” was also shown during the events, shedding the light on the services provided by the Correctional and Punitive Establishments across the country to rehabilitate inmates.

Colonel Ateeq Ibrahim Al Dhaheri, Deputy Director of the Punitive and Correctional Establishments at Abu Dhabi Police, stressed the need of concerted efforts from all community institutions in the correctional process to rehabilitate inmates and to integrate inmates into society through post-release care and make sure that those who have been reformed are not looked at by society in a negative way. He also noted that choosing the slogan "Together to Achieve Reform" for the GCC Inmates Week 2015 is in line with the efforts to dedicate attention to inmates and providing them with complete support and care through rehabilitation activities and post-care programs.

Colonel Al Dhaheri added that the UAE has dedicated the utmost importance to the welfare of the Punitive and Correctional Establishments’ inmate’s inmates and their families. He also pointed out to the valuable efforts exerted by governmental and private sectors’ entities in providing all the resources needed by the inmates’ families. “Caring for inmates is a shared responsibility between all community institutions, which grants success to the Punitive and Correctional Establishments efforts as they provide care, rehabilitation and support to inmates,” he noted.

Colonel Al Dhaheri inaugurated the police exhibition at Dalma Mall, which falls in line with the 4th GCC United Inmates Week. The exhibition featured the participation of the Criminal Investigation, Law Respect Culture Bureau, Emergency and Public Safety departments; as well as the Medical Services Department, which carried out free medical tests.

The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GAIAE), Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development (KFED), and Al Khawarizmi Institute also participated in the exhibition with various activities. The events included a free drawing pavilion for students and diverse cultural competitions; as well as a movie screening about Al Faraj Fund and its efforts in providing financial assistance to insolvent inmates.

The official inauguration of the events was attended by Colonel Ali Al Khayal, Chief of the Support Services Section at the Punitive and Correctional Establishments in Abu Dhabi Police, and a number of officers and representatives of private and governmental authorities.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-666-4891







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