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Capital and Business Alliance with NTT Plala and NTT Communications
ME NewsWire / BusinessWire

TOKYO - Friday, September 13th 2013

G‐cluster Global Corporation (GCG) announced today that NTT Plala Inc. (NTT Plala) and NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) have invested in GCG through a private placement of shares. Additionally, GCG entered into a business alliance agreement with NTT Plala, NTT Com, and Broadmedia Corporation (BM) concerning the parties’ cooperation on cloud gaming services.

Through this capital and business alliance, GCG, NTT Plala, NTT Com and BM will work together to enhance G‐cluster technology* and services to benefit the business of all stakeholders.

"We are very pleased to get support from NTT Group in the form of an investment in addition to a great business partnership. The investment further reinforces the message that our gaming platform is very well aligned with the interests of leading telecom operators,” said Erik Piehl, President and Representative Director of GCG.

”Through our investment in GCG, we aim to advance an alliance that enhances the sophistication of G‐cluster technology and contribute to cloud gaming services development,” commented Koji Bando, President and CEO of NTT Plala.

* G‐cluster technology

G‐cluster is the name of the technology owned by G‐cluster Global Corporation. The technology allows for streaming interactive content to various client devices without the need to install software. The video/audio output is streamed to a client device while all programs are executed at the server side. As the client device only needs to decode streamed data, the technology enables reliable and high quality services to be offered for all devices.

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Maxime Maindron

+33 140 555 667





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