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Bapco Successfully Trains 200 People Using a Mix Telematics Safety Solution

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Monday, February 8th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

During 2015, MiX Telematics, a leading global provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions, in conjunction with the Learning Section of Bapco’s HR Department, has trained 200 people in defensive driving techniques, through MiX Telematics’s e-Learning program. The final 20 trained in December were from Bapco’s Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Committee – the group responsible for initiating the implementation of the program to reduce the number of accidents at Bapco.

The EHS Committee sessions were run by Bapco’s Senior Management Development Specialist, Neil Porter, in the new learning suites at Bapco’s Learning and Development Centre. Summarising the course, Porter said, “Participants began by completing MiX Telematics’s 30-minute interactive session that put them behind the virtual wheel of a vehicle and captured the dynamics of driving in the Middle East.”

Commenting, Bapco’s Deputy Chief Executive (Refining & Marketing) & Chairman of the EHS Committee Mr Ebrahim Talib, said, “Bapco is delighted with the training experience offered by MiX Telematics. The interactive methods have resulted in a highly useful course for participants." The course consisted of 20 real-life driving scenarios and 28 theory-based multiple-choice questions, and after the successful completion of the Hazard Perception Program, participants progressed to complete additional targeted training modules, each of which is quick and easy to follow. “The program was of high value to our employees and I am glad that they could benefit from it,” concluded Mr Talib.

“It’s great that our combined efforts have translated into increased road safety. We look forward to continuing our training efforts in order to aid Bapco in minimising their accident rate,” said Brodie Von Berg, Sales and Marketing Director at MiX Telematics (Middle East).

Bapco has purchased a licence to use MiX Telematics’s e-Learning system for the next three years. A critical facet of the program is that each of the 200 participants will have to complete another Hazard Perception Program, and associated training modules, on an annual basis.

“The safety solution for Bapco is structured in a way that ensures skills are reinforced regularly, changing driver behaviour for the long-term. Participants will also be able to undertake future e-Learning sessions from their desk,” concluded Von Berg.


About MiX Telematics

MiX Telematics is a leading global provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions delivered as SaaS to customers in over 120 countries. The company’s products and services provide enterprise fleets, small fleets and consumers with solutions for efficiency, safety, compliance and security. MiX Telematics was founded in 1996 and has offices in South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uganda, Brazil, Australia and the United Arab Emirates as well as a network of more than 130 fleet partners worldwide. MiX Telematics shares are publicly traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE: MIX) and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: MIXT). For more information, visit

About Bapco

Bapco is a unique company, which has never stood still. The first to discover oil in the Arabian Peninsula in 1932, it started exporting in 1934 and refining in 1936. Since then, the company has helped shape the modern Kingdom of Bahrain, not simply through the generation of wealth, but through the development of Bahrain’s manpower. More than 80 years after the company’s establishment, new ambitions in exploration, and new initiatives in oil and gas field development and new global markets continue to open up with rapid advancement taking place in the company. Wholly owned by the Government of Bahrain, Bapco is engaged in the oil ind​​​sutry including refining, distribution of petroleum products and natural gas, sales and exports of crude oil and refined products. The company owns a 264,000 barrel-a-day refinery, storage facilities for more than 14 million barrels, a marketing terminal and a marine terminal for its petroleum products. 95% of the company’s refined products are exports. Bapco is primarily engaged with exploration, refining, storage, production, marketing, training and development, and environmental intiatives in the kingdom. Bapco is on the verge of a major refining expansion project which aims to produce high value products with the long term future in mind, as well as care for the environment and spur better efficiency. Our prime customers for crude oil and refined products based in the Middle East, India, the Far East, South East Asia and Africa.​.


Qasim Shah

+971 4 204 5650






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