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Arabia CSR Awards 9th Cycle launched

2017 to aim for more collaboration across MENA

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Wednesday, February 10th 2016 [ME NewsWire]

The region’s premier CSR and Sustainability Awards scheme was officially launched in the United Arab Emirates in a press conference held this morning. Currently in its ninth cycle, the Arabia CSR Awards have been successful in unveiling the good examples and best practices coming out of public and private establishments across the Arab region. Known for its high rigour and benchmarking properties, the Arabia CSR Awards are keenly contested by big and small, public and private enterprises. Many well-known names from different sectors have also been featured among the galaxy of winners of the Arabia CSR Awards. In the previous cycle 20 awards were conferred spanning nine categories of awards. The categories are Public Sector, Large, Medium, Small, Energy, Financial Services, Social Enterprise, New Business and Partnerships & Collaborations.

In its eight year history, the Arabia CSR Awards have been re-shaped several times to make it the best and leading award scheme in the Arab world. It is externally verified by one of the world’s most reputed providers of business assurance, DNV-GL. The criteria of the award are derived from global and regional frameworks and standards, namely, the UN Global Compact Ten Principles, GRI and the European EFQM business excellence model. So far, 881 applications have been submitted to the awards by 660 organisations in 26 sectors from 13 Arab countries in Middle East and North Africa. Each year hundreds of organisations vie with each other to earn the distinction of being chosen a winner of the Arabia CSR Awards.

Presented by Arabia CSR Network, the awards are under the auspices of the League of Arab States and in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The country partner of the awards is Al Hussein Society, Jordan. The venue sponsor was The Millennium Plaza.

Speaking at the press launch Arabia CSR Network President and CEO Habiba Al Marashi said, “The Arabia CSR Awards are seen as the Arab region’s own benchmark in CSR and sustainability. The support of the League of Arab States and the collaboration of the UN bodies uphold its reputation as the most trustworthy award scheme for CSR and sustainability. We hope this year we will be able to overreach the targets set for the awards and bring in more Arab countries within its fold through strengthened collaboration and targeted messages to organisations in our region.”

Editor’s notes:

The Arabia CSR Network is a professional multi stakeholder organization that promotes, encourages and recognizes responsible business practices through services and offerings including trainings, research and best practice, advisory services, third party assurance, Forum, Sharaka and a Pan-Arab acclaimed award initiative known as the Arabia CSR Awards.

For information, please visit


Arabia CSR Network

Pegah Keshavarz, +9714-344-8622







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